01 Nov 2015

Initial set up service

When you buy a bike from us,

01 Nov 2015

When you buy a bike from us, we charge you for the bike and we figure in the cost of getting the bike shipped to us. However we don’t charge you for the cost of the labor involved in building the bike, which is sometime a heckuva lot of work.

This free service policy extends to any upgrades that you make at the time of purchase, such as better tires, better pedals, lower gears, or the like. You pay for the parts, but not the labor to install them. Similarly, if some parts prove unsatisfactory once you get the bike home and start riding it (usually the need for lower gears) then you pay for the parts and not the labor until you are satisfied with the bike. This policy does not necessarily extend to all accessories, notably not to wired computers or fenders which are technically simple to install but time-consuming nonetheless.

We will do one free check over (a $50 value) on a new bike within the first 6 months of purchase, or longer by agreement.

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